Events Calendar G20 (G-20 Summit Germany)
Just to point out, the following is an Event Calendar for all of the meetings – with No Protesters! December 2016 DATE 1 Finance and Central Bank Deputies 1 – 2 Agriculture Deputies 2 International Financial Architecture Working Group 2 – 3 Framework Working Group 6 Health Working Group 7 – 8 Conference “Taking Action […]

G20 Meetings Kick off with A Bang
Meetings have been going on year to date throughout Germany. All have been peaceful. As of right now, 7:45PM, Hamburg Time, there are confrontations between protestors and riot police. Now a standoff. But escalation is expected as President Trump arrives and becomes visible on camera. Reporting from New York
G20 China 2016 Summit in Hangzhou, China
The goals set forth by the Group of 20 countries at the summit held in China are below. The letter mentions President Barack Obama. In Hangzhou, G-20 leaders recognized that more work remains to strengthen growth, expand opportunity, and ensure the benefits of trade and open markets are widely felt. The G-20’s track record over […]

IMF supports Lagarde
The International Monetary Fund will keep Christine Lagarde as Managing Director. The Fund, has, “full confidence in the Managing Director’s ability to continue to effectively carry out her duties.” Ms. Lagarde is appointed by the Executive Board. Ms. Lagarde is the first woman Managing Director at the IMF and Ms. Lagarde is regarded as one […]
UN Security Council Demands Syria
Spokesperson, Lou Charbonneau, must stop their military actions with Iranian fighters. The quote is below: “The Syrian, Russian and Iranian militaries should immediately comply with the UN Security Council resolution demanding that UN monitors be granted access to Aleppo. Such monitoring is crucial as Syria, Russia and Iran have abysmal records complying with their obligations […]
UNCTAD Least Developed Nations
Following is the press realease from UNCTAD: Geneva, 13 December 2016 – Global poverty is increasingly concentrated among a group of 48 countries, which are falling further behind the rest of the world in terms of economic development, according to a United Nations report released on Tuesday by UNCTAD. The Least Developed Countries Report […]
Fed Raises 0.25%
The Federal Reserve of the United States, Located in Washington DC has decided to unanimously raise rates 0.25%. December 2016 Rates Up 1/4%
G7 to be chaired by Japan
The 42nd G7 Summit will take place in the Mie prefecture of Japan in late May 2016. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe will be the head of the meeting. Abe has announced his intention to approach Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss issues affecting the Asian region and Middle East tensions. Invitations may go out […]
US economy grows at a 4 percent clip for the second quarter
The world’s largest economy accelerated full steam ahead at four percent for the second quarter. Exceeding expectations and giving fire to the bullish story unfolding from the unprecedented stimulus begun under the Bernanke Fed.