G20 Sydney-Important Documents
The International Monetary Fund wrote a 23 page note addressed to the G-20:
First paragraph of the Executive Summary and Full Text: “Global activity has picked up, largely on account of advanced economies. Growth firmed in 2013H2, driven largely by stronger outturns in advanced economies as final demand expanded broadly as expected. In many emerging markets, despite a boost to output from stronger exports, domestic demand has been weaker than expected, reflecting in part tighter financial conditions.”
The G20, currently in Australia released this Communique”
First paragraph of the Communique: “We welcome recent signs of improvement in the global economy, in particular, growth strengthening in the United States, United Kingdom and Japan alongside continued solid growth in China and many emerging market economies, and the resumption of growth in the euro area. Some key tail risks have diminished. ”
Honorable Joe Hockey, Treasurer of Australia, his conclusion to the meeting here.
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (#IMF) wrote a final statement regarding the G20 meeting in Sydney:
Second paragraph of statement: “Though global growth has strengthened in recent months, largely driven by advanced economies, increased financial market and capital flow volatility in emerging economies and low inflation rates in advanced economies pose important challenges ahead. Further action and international cooperation are necessary to promote a more robust global recovery —one that is sustained and fosters healthy job creation—and to counteract actual and potential risks.”
– By Julien David
Full text of Christine Lagarde’s statement here:
- Photo Credit G20.org – https://www.g20.org/sites/default/files/images/gallery_images/IIF19.jpg
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