Premier Li in Africa, to work with UNEP
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had meetings with the UNEP and the UNHSP Executive Directors while visiting Africa. The meetings covered a wide variety of topics including Environmental co-operation, growth with an understanding of environmental concerns and further connections with South-South groups. The UNEP is the United Nations Environmental Program and the UNHSP is the United […]

EU adds to Sanctions List
Two Crimean companies have been added to a sanctions list by the European Union. Thirteen individuals were also sanctioned by the European Union. “Self-rule ‘referendums’ in Ukraine are illegal, have zero credibility and do not meet any standard of fairness, objectivity or transparency”, stressed British Foreign Minister William Hague. The thirteen individuals will be subjected […]

Groups of 20
The Group of 20 wealthiest nations has the largest number of sub groups than any official group of nations. Many of these sub groups officially report to the G20. The groups meet regularly to educate themselves and develop communiques for the G20 meetings. Most are formed in a similar manner to the G20, composing themselves […]

Climate Change is real and undeniable
Climate Change is undeniably real and the worlds major institutions are committed to doing something about it. The majority of the world knows that their climate has changed from a decade ago, certainly two decades ago and most definitely changed from 3 decades ago. Unfortunately, every part of the United States has experienced significant differences […]

A New World Bank
A new World Bank Group is showing itself to the media and the world. “Let’s make certain that this time we can ensure that these commitments respond to popular demand.”, Jose Cuesta ended his most recent update on the Millennium Development Goals. An increasing array of webcasts on diverse topics. Not all of which are […]

World Bank, East Asian and South American Economies
The World Bank group estimates that 670 million have been lifted out of extreme poverty between 1999 and 2010. According to estimates by 2015, in excess of 1 Billion people will have improved their living standards beyond the lowest levels. With respect to overall poor in country populations, Latin America has fewer poor than does […]

End Poverty
The World Bank Group is piloting a project to eradicate extreme poverty by 2030. Jim Yong Kim is enlisting the help of millenials and across the board support from business, industry, hollywood and the media to focus on ending poverty in sixteen years. The bold plan was debuted at the ultra modern, sweeping and high […]

OECD says that Europe emerged from recession in Q2 2013
The OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development announced findings showing that the European Community emerged out of recession during the second quarter of 2013. Bond yields due in Ten years have fallen to levels at the start of the economic crisis. Yields in Spain and Greece are at or near crisis lows. Sovereign Debt […]

Europe applying pressure to G20 President Abbott on Climate Change
Europe is applying pressure on the G20’s President Tony Abbott to include Climate Change in the sherpa meetings and the upcoming November 2014 meeting agenda. Many scientists, business engineers and corporate researchers agree that Mr. Abbott’s “Direct Action” will not have desired impacts on climate change and does not address any of the key issues […]